“Tongue Up, Lips Closed, Healthy Breathing through the Nose.”

Myofunctional Therapy is a unique set of exercises designed to strengthen and tone the lips and tongue and promote nasal breathing. The results? Health and wellness benefits for patients of all ages.


  • Myofunctional Therapy

  • MyoMunchee

  • Nasal Breathing Therapy


  • Nasal breathing promotes warming, filtering and humidifying of the air we breathe

  • Nasal breathing promotes production of nitric oxide which enhances oxygen distribution throughout the body

  • Proper lip seal and lip tone result in increased nasal breathing, decreasing the use of tonsils and adenoids to filter the air - That’s what your nose is for!

  • Proper lip and tongue tone encourage proper growth and development of the jaws

Myofunctional Therapy References:

For more information, including research on myofunctional therapy, please review the following information from our Main Street Dentists Website: Myofunctional Therapy References

Click here for the MyoMuchee website.

Click here for MyoMunchee YouTube instructional videos.

Click here for MyoMuchee Educational Brochure