
Dr. Kristin Ernest 

A Mt. Horeb native who received her undergraduate degree at UW-Madison and medical degree at Medical College of Wisconsin, Dr. Ernest enjoys working with patients of all ages and backgrounds. She appreciates the importance of individualized treatment plans, utilizing the support of families where appropriate. Dr. Ernest collaborates with medical professionals, including physical therapists and nutritionists, to assist patients in achieving their individual goals.

Dr. Ernest has a unique background as an athletic trainer, paramedic and firefighter prior to becoming an M.D. Her special interests include concussion prevention and management, female athletes, and acute and overuse injuries. Dr. Ernest is passionate about educating the community on sports medicine topics through media and lectures. As an avid sports fan and athlete, you may see Dr. Ernest on the sidelines of a local event as a spectator or participant.


  • American Academy of Pediatrics

  • American College of Physicians

  • American College of Sports Medicine

  • American Medical Society of Sports Medicine